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Feed Grade Dicalcium Phosphate

祠料填加劑級磷酸氫鈣可使用于祠料填加劑加工生產中成為磷、鈣的填加劑。可能至少的磷鈣比與動物關節中磷鈣比出于比較接近于,并也可以所有的混溶動物胃脹中,很易步入動物防御反應加入其新陳基礎代謝,保證關節中的磷鈣比也可以推進動物防御反應怏速發芽的同一時間以防止動物因缺磷鈣所所致的不同的病癥,是日前中國外認同的最好的選擇的祠料填加劑礦石填加劑之四。要加速牲畜養殖發芽生長,節約育肥羊期,怏速增重;能提供牲畜養殖的配種率及種活率,同一時間兼備怎強牲畜養殖抗病力耐寒性水平,對牲畜養殖的軟骨癥、白痢癥、癱疾癥有有機廢氣效用。似的在動物祠料填加劑中填加祠料填加劑需求量的1%-3%,家畜畜的肉蛋奶均衡增產增收15%-20%,條件競爭力很偏態。 Feed-grade calcium hydrogen phosphate can be used as a supplement of phosphorus and calcium in feed processing. Because the ratio of phosphorus to calcium is the closest to that of animal skeleton, and can dissolve completely in animal gastric acid, it is easy to enter the animal body and participate in its metabolism. Maintaining the ratio of phosphorus to calcium in bone can promote the rapid growth of animal body and prevent various diseases caused by phosphorus and calcium in animals. At present, it is domestic. It is generally recognized as one of the best mineral additives for feed. It can accelerate the growth and development of livestock and poultry, shorten the fattening period and increase their weight rapidly. It can improve the breeding rate and survival rate of livestock and poultry, at the same time, it can enhance the disease resistance and cold tolerance of livestock and poultry, and it can prevent and cure the chondrosis, dysentery and paralysis of livestock and poultry. Generally, the total amount of feed added to animal feed is 1%-3%, and the average production of meat, eggs and milk of poultry and livestock is increased by 15%-20%. The economic benefit is remarkable.
飼料廠級磷酸氫鈣 Product Picture
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